Wednesday 5 May 2010


Response to Chris dunning’s blog on addiction.

Farmville is defiantly the best example of modern day addiction and shows just how pointless things can become so addictive and Farmville is defiantly the worst thing to come out of facebook.

Response to Chris dunning’s blog on smoking.

Well that was a bit of a rant against smoking but I can see your point, it is totally worthless and is only bad for your health and I’ve been smoking for four years and still don’t understand why.

Response to Gemma Mclouds blog on lies.

I agree completely that the telling of lies can be a good still to have as it will always help you out in some situations although you can easily can to carried away and end up lying to much.

Response to Laura Gamble’s blog on men’s mags

I agree that they might give the wrong impression to girls but I don’t think it gives guys the wrong idea about how women should look.

Response to Graham Quicks blog on swearing.

Swearing is defiantly an art form and like you say people who just swear because they can’t think of another word are just annoying.

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