Saturday 24 April 2010

From the lecture, the main problem I can see with body modification is if it is done without peoples consent so when it is done to young children who are too young to have a say in the matter or when it is done as punishment.

For me, the worst example of body modification was how the Chinese sometimes brake young female babies feet to make them smell, this is not only an horrible act to do to someone but it was done when the child was so young that they didn’t really understand what was being done to them so couldn’t decided for themselves if they wanted it to happen.

There isn’t anything wrong with people who want to modify their own bodies if that is what they decided to do (though the catman in the picture above has taken that to the extreme) body modification should always be about a person choice so if they are happy to do it to themselves then society shouldn’t have a problem with it.

Follow this link for some amazingly weird body modification. The first one is by far the best.

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