Wednesday 5 May 2010


Response to Chris dunning’s blog on addiction.

Farmville is defiantly the best example of modern day addiction and shows just how pointless things can become so addictive and Farmville is defiantly the worst thing to come out of facebook.

Response to Chris dunning’s blog on smoking.

Well that was a bit of a rant against smoking but I can see your point, it is totally worthless and is only bad for your health and I’ve been smoking for four years and still don’t understand why.

Response to Gemma Mclouds blog on lies.

I agree completely that the telling of lies can be a good still to have as it will always help you out in some situations although you can easily can to carried away and end up lying to much.

Response to Laura Gamble’s blog on men’s mags

I agree that they might give the wrong impression to girls but I don’t think it gives guys the wrong idea about how women should look.

Response to Graham Quicks blog on swearing.

Swearing is defiantly an art form and like you say people who just swear because they can’t think of another word are just annoying.


Swearing is a great way to release tension and anger for everybody. Swearing with always have its time and place, like if you kick something there is no way that saying sugar is going to make you feel better but saying fuck a few dozen times really does help take the pain away. You also can’t take away that joy when your young and just starting to learn to swear, especially if you know more swear words that your mates so you can show off all these new words.

Tuesday 4 May 2010


Bully has always been around and loads of people seem to think that it helps children grow up. This has never made sense to me, how can it be a good thing for a child to be a good thing for a child to go through bullying, it’s been shown that it doesn’t help a child’s self-esteem and it also doesn’t improve their confidence as some people think. Also without a doubt it doesn’t make them tougher.

Monday 3 May 2010


Corruption is all around us in today’s society and is normally punished but we recently had some of the most published corruption ever, with the whole MPs expensive scandal. I will never understand how none of the MPs caught up in it, were never charged for fraud when it so clearly was to everyone. That was one of the most obvious cases of corruption as if that had been someone minor fraud committed by some everyday person they would have been sent down but because they had power and money the MPs never even came close to it.

Sunday 2 May 2010

fast food

We all know that fast food is bad for us but most people still love it and eat it regularly and I’m one of those people even after one of my old tutors told me how he found a tumour in a chicken burger, I still eat fast food.

Even though I enjoy fast food, I do think that people should be aware of how bad it is for you so films like super size me are a good thing as they really show how bad it is and after watching it i have cut down on the fast food.

This link helps show how bad fast food is.

Saturday 1 May 2010


Bandits and especially the social bandits talked about in the lecture like Robin Hood, will always appeal to people as they are exciting and they show what people can do against someone who is in charge. They show that no one has to just except anything and that anyone can have the power. People will also like them because they are always the good guy and always help others.

Friday 30 April 2010


Infidelity and particularly when it means cheating on someone, obviously isn’t a nice thing to do but it is still common for people to do while in a relationship and this must be because it is an exciting thing to do so makes your life seem more lively, you have the sneaking about part and making sure you cover everything so your boyfriend/ girlfriend don’t find out and for course you get to have more sex with a different person.